Future-Focused Therapy

There's a truism in psychotherapy: You already know what you should do, but you don't know how. Pondering this, what I have observed in my work is that most people do know what to do, and even how to do it. The difficulty is in following through.

There’s another part that presents a barrier to making changes and making those changes permanent. Here’s a common example. “David” knows he wants to break off his unhealthy relationship. It’s not going anywhere and there’s a lot of drama. He’s thought a lot about how best to do this and has a plan in mind. But what stops him is fear of uncertainty and fear of being alone; the “what happens after” the “how to do it” part. What if he never meets another partner? What if he regrets it? So many what-ifs, so many fears and anxieties that he can name and the dread that bubbles up that he can’t put words to. The relationship, with all the pain it causes to them both, is at least familiar.

The superpower that he needs, that everybody needs in order to make changes big and small is Tolerance. The ability to tolerate anxiety and to tolerate uncertainty leads to a happier, fuller life, and prevents relapse.

I provide future-based therapy, focusing on the choices you get to make, how to act on those choices and most importantly how to support yourself through ambiguity and uncertainty so feeling good becomes the new normal.

To be here for you during this COVID19 crisis I am currently offering phone sessions or Zoom video conferencing. I am offering hypnosis to help you stay calm and in the moment. On an as needed basis, I will lower my rates to ensure accessibility.

Keep your world small and safe and be kind to yourself and others.

Now Offering EMDR

I'm excited to announce that I will be offing EMDR, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy, an effective treatment for Post traumatic Stress Disorder and other highly disturbing symptoms of anxiety from past events.

I have been utilizing hypnosis since the beginning of my career. Hundreds of my clients have experienced relief from anxiety, overcome negative habits such as smoking, and prepared for exams, performances or flown fearlessly.

EMDR has overlapping features with hypnosis such as using imaginal resources but was developed specifically to process traumatic memories, removing the physical and emotional pain and stress that they trigger.

Please message or call me if you are interested in learning more or would like to schedule an appointment.

Wishing everyone Happy Spring Holidays!

Santa Barbara Fire

Brush fire is a community stressor, especially for those directly affected by evacuation, loss of pets and, in the extreme, structure fire or loss of life. The ominous color of the sky and the falling ashes bring memories of catastrophic fires of the recent past. Very unsettling and scary. Going through our days, in traffic, at work on the freeway, let's be especially patient with ourselves, and with others. I am super-grateful to our firefighters for their bravery and service. Let's support everyone in our community in getting through this together.

An invitation

Hello Dear People who have ventured this far into my website!

Welcome to my new website and to my blog. I am inviting you to get to know my style and approach to counseling by sharing ideas, activities and influences. 

This summer I worked on this new website. I hope to give you an idea what I do in session: focused, forward-thinking, and positive therapy. You will leave every session with a “Take Home”, a strategy, a homework assignment or an insight written down for further absorption and utility.